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Enrollment Status Policies


Regular attendance and active participation in class/clinic are essential parts of the learning process regardless of course delivery methodology. Students are expected to attend all class sessions/assigned clinic hours.

Students who fail to establish attendance during the first two weeks of class/clinic may be administratively dropped from the course and/or the University.

The institution does not dictate specific classroom attendance policies; however, some faculty do provide specific classroom policies related to attendance, late work, and more. Students are responsible for reviewing their faculty members’ syllabi and following all classroom policies relative to being in class. Regardless of a faculty member’s formal attendance policy, student achievement of learning outcomes is tied to attendance through participation, engagement, and collaboration.

The University "excused absence” and bereavement policies are managed by the Department of Student Affairs relative to verified military service, jury duty, NBCE, medical issues, and/ or bereavement.

Course-related attendance questions outside this policy are faculty's responsibility to govern in a fair and equitable fashion in accordance with their classroom policies. Questions related to matters not covered by the University attendance, excused absence, and bereavement policies should be directed to each individual faculty member.

Please note that some states have specific attendance requirements to be eligible for licensure. It is the student’s responsibility to determine and meet these requirements for the state(s) in which they plan to practice. Career Services and the Registrar can provide students with this information upon request and help the student identify a plan to track attendance, if requested.

Students should make every effort to pre-arrange any absence and make appropriate and agreed upon arrangements with each individual faculty member to make up missed work prior to missing class.

Not attending class does not constitute an official withdrawal from the course; however, institutional abandonment may forfeit a student’s federal aid eligibility.