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Academic Success and Student Resources



Upon completion of the enrollment process, students are transferred from an Admissions Counselor to an Academic Success Coach (ASC). The ASC acts as an academic advisor and a liaison to resources available across the institution. Through the coaching process, the ASC monitors student performance and helps students optimize their success from matriculation to graduation. Through the monitoring and advising process, the ASC helps students identify and overcome obstacles that may impede the achievement of their academic goals. A student may schedule an appointment by request to their ASC. The ASC will advise students of times conducive for meeting and options for scheduling. An ASC may also contact students to schedule appointments as needed. The ASC acts as a liaison to other important and helpful resources available to students and makes referrals and/or helps students connect with referrals made by other University faculty or staff.

Whether on campus or online, ASCs are available to meet with you face to face on campus and through video. Logan University knows that strong connections build strong students and optimize students’ chances of overcoming obstacles when life gets in the way of your educational dreams. Students, regardless of course delivery, are provided equivalent student support. On-campus students can access services by calling, emailing, or visiting the desired office on campus. Online students can access the desired support by phone, email, or via video conferencing.


Students are provided with an Academic Degree Plan (ADP) upon matriculation. The ADP outlines the student’s degree plan for program completion. For registration and planning purposes, on-campus class schedules with times are posted on the website prior to the start of each trimester. Online course schedules are posted showing available courses for registration.

Students should schedule an advising appointment with their ASC prior to deviating from their original academic degree plan.


Enrollment in any of Logan University’s programs is an implicit commitment to make the education process and responsibilities thereto a sincere commitment. Different students have different abilities and different programs have different time commitments. Students are expected to review the academic time commitment necessary to be successful in their program of study and create and follow a time management plan that is best suited to success.

Students in the Doctor of Chiropractic program are strongly discouraged from working an outside job, as the time commitment for this program is strenuous. While extracurricular activities are valuable, students should consider the commitment required to participate in extracurricular activities while enrolled in a high-demand program and the need to meet all their scholarly, personal, and professional obligations.

Likewise, students in other programs may need to adjust their course load to best meet their goals but need to remain cognizant of the time to completion policies. Students seeking guidance on time management plans and assistance with calculating their estimated workload should contact their Academic Success Coach.


In an effort to support student success and provide academic coaching in areas that may be challenging students, Academic Success Coaches will reach out to students experiencing academic difficulty who are not on academic probation.

The student will receive a warning notice by the start of the trimester and will be strongly encouraged to meet regularly with their Academic Success Coach.

A student may receive a warning if any of the following occur:

  • Failure of 2 courses in a trimester.

  • Failure of any course a second time.

  • If Time to Completion is 13 or more trimesters.

  • If completion % < 73%.

  • Term GPA < 2.25 for students starting the DC program in Fall 2017 and prior or Term GPA < 2.5 for students starting the DC program in Spring 2018 and after.



Faculty hold office hours for one hour each week during the trimester. Office hours are outlined in the course syllabus. Office hours serve to establish reasonable expectation of availability to allow students the opportunity to communicate with faculty about course-related questions and concerns.

In addition, faculty and students are provided University email accounts and phone numbers. Students can reasonably expect a response to email and phone communication within 24 hours on weekdays when classes are in session. Over breaks and weekends, it is reasonable to expect a response within 24 hours of returning to regular class schedules. Online faculty, including adjuncts, may schedule office hours by appointment.


Some courses have teaching assistants available to help faculty with classroom delivery and management. In these courses, teaching assistants also hold additional review sessions and office hours.


The institution offers a free peer-tutoring program. Peer tutors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, have earned a grade of A or B in the course they wish to tutor, complete an interview, and be able to provide individual or group tutoring either virtually or in person at a location decided upon by the tutor and the tutee.

  • Tutors manage their availability and determine which courses they will tutor, unless otherwise discussed with their ASC.

  • Students will contact a tutor by phone or email to schedule tutoring sessions.

  • Large group tutoring session information will be displayed on the hall monitors and sent to the respective class officers to be distributed to their class.

  • Online students may access comparable and applicable services through video technology. If a tutor is not available for the course needed, they should contact their Academic Success Coach.


The institution offers an Open Technique Lab to allow students to practice chiropractic techniques supervised by a licensed doctor. Students must be enrolled in or have earned credit in the technique they are practicing, and the faculty member staffing the Open Lab must approve the technique and have direct supervision. The faculty member may deny a student practice time if the student does not meet these criteria, the faculty member is not trained on the desired technique, or the faculty member has safety concerns.


ASCs are available to assist with study skills and time management seminars.


Logan University recognizes its responsibility to provide equal access opportunities for persons with disabilities, under section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 as amended (2008). The staff and faculty work together to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to educational experiences.

Logan makes reasonable academic adjustments for qualified individuals with disabilities, as required by law. Any qualified applicant or student with a disability may request a reasonable academic adjustment in order to perform the academic and technical standards requisite to admissions and/or participation in the educational program and activities. Such requests may be made through the Department of Student Affairs. Questions concerning accommodations may be addressed to

Students may make an appointment to discuss documentation requirements and the disability services offered by the University.

Accommodations are granted on a case-by-case basis. The Department of Student Affairs determines the appropriate accommodations based on the documentation results, and personal interview with the student. In some cases, consultation with the Student Care Manager is also required.


The initial step in requesting accommodations is to complete the Accommodation Request Form. This form is available in the Office of Student Affairs or by contacting the Office of Student Affairs at or on the Logan website at It is the responsibility of individuals with disabilities to inform the institution of their needs and to provide documentation of the disability.

Relevant and current documentation is needed to verify the existence of a disability and to determine appropriate accommodations based on the functional impact of the disability related to academic courses, testing methods, program requirements, etc. Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Documents must be provided by a qualified examiner.

  2. Documents must be current.

  3. Documents must be comprehensive.

  4. Any accommodations that are recommended must be justifiable, with a rationale provided for each accommodation.

In the case of a temporary or short-term impairment due to injury or other event, the Office of Student Affairs will work with the student for referrals on campus resources and services. Although not considered a disability, temporary accommodations and services will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


For students receiving testing accommodations, the Testing Center is especially equipped to provide accommodations. Students are required to complete a Request for Proctored Examination Form that is signed by the faculty member to make an appointment in order to take any test, quiz, or exam within the Testing Center. Appointments for testing are made with the Testing Center Coordinator.